Exception handling
This file defines exception-handling facilities.
The smc::exception class, which is used for exception handling by SMCTC, is defined.
SMC_EXCEPTION(code, error)
A macro which autocompletes the housekeeping components of an smc::exception.
Exception thrown if a file cannot be accessed.
Exception thrown if the sampler attempts to access history data which wasn’t stored.
Exception thrown if an attempt is made to instantiate a class of which a single instance is permitted more than once.
Exception thrown if an attempt is made to use facilities of the base sampler class related to MCMC moves.
Exception thrown if an attempt is made to use facilities of the base sampler class related to adaptation.
namespace smc
The Sequential Monte Carlo namespace.
The classes and functions within this namespace are intended to be used for producing implemenetations of SMC samplers and related simulation techniques.
class exception
- #include <smc-exception.h>
SMC Exception class.
This class holds details of unrecoverable errors which occur within the SMCTC library. An instance of it is thrown whenever such an error occurs.
Public Functions
inline exception(char const *szN, long lL, long lC, char const *szM)
Generate an SMCTC Exception class with the specified initialisation.
This constructor fills the four elements of the class with their specified values. It is used to allow a single-line command to create and throw an exception.
- Parameters
szN – The name of the source file generating the exception.
lL – The line in that file responsible for the exception.
lC – The numerical code identifying the exception.
szM – An textual explanation of the problem.
Public Members
char const *szFile
The source file from which the code generating the exception was generated.
long lLine
The line of that source file which generates the exception.
long lCode
A numerical code indicating the nature of the exception generated.
char const *szMessage
A human-readable explanation of the cause of the exception.
inline exception(char const *szN, long lL, long lC, char const *szM)
class exception
namespace std
The standard namespace.
The classes provided within the standard libraries reside within this namespace and the TDSMC class library adds a number of additional operator overloads to some of the standard classes to allow them to deal with our structures.
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, smc::exception &e)
Produce a human-readable display of the state of an smc::exception class using the stream operator.
Display a human-readable version of an SMC exception.
- Parameters
os – The stream to write to.
e – The exception class to display.
- Returns
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, smc::exception &e)